Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 8th through July 11th. 2010 Jackie and Grayson

I found this floaty toy at the pool company for Grayson
and he loved it!!! He was even sticking out his tongue.
Check out those cool shades!!!

Mike, Jack, Jeff and John.

Suzanne, Peggi, Jan and I.

Mike, Jac, Grayson and Will in the back.

Jan and Suzanne.

Jack and Grayson...he is a baby lover...

Grayson on his activity mat.
It was a fun time to have Jac and Grayson here. Jackie was a little bummed that she couldn't be here over the 4th, but we made up for it this weekend. Grayson absolutely LOVES the water. He just swam around in that floaty toy for about 30 minutes or more. He was being such a ham too, sticking out his tongue.
We decided to have a few neighbors over for dinner...all wanted to eat brother Davey's fish and see the baby. Plus, we might not get another free weekend due to company and busy schedules. We sure miss not having Mike and Suzanne next door. Gets a little quiet when the kids don't show up any more. We were so used to them coming over to visit. :( Oh well, we boat down to their new house now and still see them quite often. We had a very nice dinner and the company was great!

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