Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nancy's arrival April 5th through April 13th.

Two old friends.
Going out to dinner.
Nancy arrived the day after Easter ...two days before Jac, Brady and Grayson left. She wanted to
see the baby!! Of course she thought he was adorable.
Nancy's week went fast. We shopped most days to replace Nancy's wardrobe. She pretty much brought down an empty suitcase..with the exception of stuff she so thoughtfully brought for me.
We found new shops with the help of some of my new found friends and also replenished her bead supply so she can continue beading. The bead shop I really wanted her to see we didn't make it to. It is in Port Charlotte and we just never made the drive. Oh well, it gives us something to do the next time.
Since Nancy left, I finished 2 for her, one for Grayson and I have Jackie and Brady's almost done. Felt good to finish a few projects before heading back to Minnesota. We are making all the arrangements to go home. Takes a while to get everyone called and services put on hold etc.
I am going to miss this house. I love it in Florida.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter in Ft Myers

Our favorite Easter bunny.
Nana and Grayson

The Brady Malloy's

What a cutie!
Easter Sunday! I didn't have to dye eggs or do baskets but it was still fun. We all went to church and Grayson did really well. Then we went out to brunch, and after Grayson's poop fest, we were good to go. That is a really hilarious story, but maybe not to be published. Ask me about it sometime. Jackie and I laughed until we were crying.
Anyway, it was a good day for all. We talked to Jeff, Ryan and Heather and saw pictures of Syd with all her Easter goodies.

The Mucky Duck, Captiva Island, FL

Here he is putting his feet in the sand, on
the ocean for the first time.
The sand feels good, but I am sooo sleepy.

Jackie and Brady out in front of the Mucky Duck.

We "set up camp" on the beach and tried to shade
him as much as possible. Brady getting part sun.
Jackie getting "part" sun.
Brady getting ready to hit the beach.
We decided to go to Captiva and go to the Mucky Duck. Jackie has always loved the "Mucky Duck". We hit it just right. Got to eat outside and Grayson slept most all the time we were there. We did set up camp on the beach for about a half hour and then decided we had better move from our parking space. They frown on going to the beach and taking up restaurant parking space.
We had a nice day however, and accomplished what we set out to do.