Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Annual RiverBend Party April 5, 2011

Neighbors, Keith and Debbie Bridges

who live in Verandah but are good friends

with Bernie Davis from RiverBend. Another

small world story.

Bob and Sandy Schuler...they run and cook all the lunches

at RiverBend during the "season".

Sandy, Sandy Brenner and Peggy Bouchard

Rick and Mike Harder

Pat, Sue, Jeff, Joyce and Donna

Our Miss Cindy....Maddie's favorite bling lady.

(She makes awesome dog collars and clothing.)

A group......

We were all telling motorhome stories.

Bob Brenner, Bernie Davis and Bob and Sandy Schuler.

I am chatting with Keith and Debbie.


Bernie and his neighbors...have misplaced their names....:(

I was beginning to wonder if I would get this party going ....but I did. We have had this crowd over every year since we built our house. We made so many good friends out at RiverBend that we just have to keep the connection going. It is always fun to hear all the stories they have....so we can all catch up on each others lives. A good time was had by all.

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