Saturday, July 23, 2011

Birthday weekend of July 21, 2011

John and I went out to a new restaurant for my birthday called the Cru. It was a GrandView. Wow...we loved it and now have deemed it our new favorite restaurant up here. When we got home we went over to our new neighbors, Dennis and Gail's and Dennis opened up a 35.00 bottle of wine for my birthday. Needless to say, I can't drink wine and I was pretty puny all day on Friday.

But, not to dampen the party, but Jeff and Peggi, John and I went out to Manhattan Beach to celebrate my birthday. Wow.....lucky to have so many friends. We had a nice dinner and I had a Bloody Mary, so perked back up.

Saturday night we go to Becker's to celebrate my birthday and when we get back to the cities, Jackie is throwing me a family party.

(I will probably have to join AA soon!)

Life is good.

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