Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday - Friday April 14-18th, 2008 Robert, LA

Can you see all the Tiffin products?????

Ronald and Pat Thomas from Charlotte, NC

We are at our first Tiffin rally. The Allegro club has rally's at various times of the year in different part of the country. When you come you receive all sorts of little perks. One of the biggest perks is that the techs from Red Bay, AL...where Tiffins are made...come and fix little things that are wrong with your coach. It really is kind of comical...everyone has a list a mile long...I heard one woman describe it as "birth defects" when the coach comes off the assembly line. We have heard many stories about Bob Tiffin (owner of Tiffin) and how he has helped out people with really big issues. We are pretty lucky considering some of the problelms some people have had.

Today we spent mostly all day in lectures about one thing or another. Tomorrow we go for a boat cruise I think on Lake Pontchartrain for a lunch cruise.
We met Pat and Ron while we were in Navarre, FL and found out they were coming to this rally and had an Allegro Bus just like ours. They are from Charlotte, NC and weird as it seems, Ron knew my first husbands cousin Gary Earnheart. He used to take his trucks there to be worked on by him. Isn't it a small world? Pat is a nurse and just retired last fall. They figured if they were going to travel they should do it now while they are able. Their daughter died at 21 from leukemia and they have no other children. Say they are willing all their belongings to St. Jude's Hospital.
Life stories?????!!!! We have met so many people with very interesting lives. One lady who sat at our dinner table the first night, is from Alabama and about 75...at least.., she said her grandsons were "coon-asses". I almost died laughing and she was quick to tell me that that was what they call people from Alabama. She was a hoot! Another woman wanted to know if I ever drove the rig...I said no but I probably should know in case something happened. She said if her husband died she was going to put him on the couch and head home!!! She wasn't burying him in another state. There are some real characters out here. It sure keeps me laughing.
Until tomorrow.

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