Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday Novemeber 3, 2007

Got an early start this am. Don't think either of us slept too well. We got a phone call at 3am and and voice mail from one of John's managers saying there was an accident with one of our trucks coming from Chicago tonight and he would call us in the am. I think we both knew that if you get a call at isn't good. Anyway, we found out it was worse than we thought because the driver of the truck/car involved in the accident with our truck was killed. We will have to wait for more reports to come through. There is a big investigation.
Anyway, we had decided to go to the Asheville,NC area. Acutally we are in Lake Toxaway, NC. It is beautiful. Very much a resort/lake/lake/vacation area. We took a road that we weren't suppose to....not recommended for trucks or RV's. Anyway, it was switch-back after switch-back, very harried and very slow. When we arrived at "Outdoor Resorts, Blue Ridge Mountains" the people there couldn't believe we were on that road. Oh well, live and was definately a gorgeous drive. We are going to stay here for a few days and check out the area. Sure seems like a lot to see. I would say the trees in the Cherokee National Forest are 75% in color and here in the Nantahala National Forest, they are more finished with the color. Sure is beautiful, a lot more red color than we have in Minnesota. I will take more pictures tomorrow.

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