Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Day November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and thanks to those who called to wish us a good day. Sounds like everyone had a good meal and good times with friends and family. We had a nice quiet dinner but we did miss all the commotion.

John talked to sister Sharon and we were saddened to hear that John's nephew, Jeff, is not doing so well. He had another vertebrae (or more) cemented of the ones he broke the day of Jackie's wedding. He then contracted pneumonia and now is in intensive care. With only one lung this is critical. All your thoughts and prayers can only help.

We haven't done too much exciting to write about but tomorrow we might take a day trip. On Saturday we will be moving to Daytona Beach for a few days.

I am working a little backwards, but we did tour St. Augustine, Fla., which is suppose to be the, or one of the, oldest cities in the U.S. We wanted to get a picture of the old bridge, but it is being totally re-done and won't be finished until 2011. They are restoring it to the original. So, here is a picture of the old town streets and also the lighthouse.

Until later.

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