We tried to get a campsite in Winfield, KS but they had none, so we ended up in Arkansas City, KS which is about 10 miles from Winfield. Got here at 1:00, wasn't a very long ride and had lunch and read awhile. I had talked to Lynne a couple days ago to let her know we would be in her area on Sunday and that was when we were in Kansas City. Low and behold, they were in Kansas City too because their middle daughter had her baby and she lives in KC. Anyway, the baby had some body temperatures they needed to tend to and they weren't getting back to Winfield until around 4:00. We also knew they had a church commitment at 6:00 so it didn't leave us a lot of time to chat. HOWEVER, power chatter that I am, I drove over and we had a wonderful talk for 2 hours. John opted to stay home because he knew that I didn't have much time and didn't want to be in the way.
Lynne is a teacher in the 9th grade. She teaches health. Chuck is a professor at Southwestern College in Winfield. I believe he has a doctorate in Biology...(correct me if I'm wrong Chuck!)
I sure know a lot of teachers don't I???? Probably because I went to a teachers college for one thing. Anyway, they have 3 girls. The oldest went to Madison and is employed at KU. The middle one ..just had the baby...and she works in KC, and the youngest is a sophomore at a small private college in Nebraska.
I stopped at the grocery store on the way back and got what I needed to fix dinner.
Now, we are just chilling watching the "boob tube".
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